Invented by Edison and Installed by Barnes

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On the journey of personal and professional growth, we often encounter stories that serve as guiding beacons. One such story that has inspired countless individuals over the years can be found in the pages of “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. It’s the story of Mr. Barnes, a business partner of the renowned inventor, Thomas Edison, and it highlights the transformative power of unwavering desire.

Mr. Barnes and His Extraordinary Desire:

In the pages of “Think and Grow Rich,” Mr. Barnes’s story is told as a testament to the incredible power of desire. Mr. Barnes, a young man with no significant resources or specialized skills, harbored a burning desire to work alongside Thomas Edison. His desire was not just a fleeting wish but an all-consuming passion that became the driving force behind his actions.

The Manifestation of Desire:

  1. Definiteness of Purpose: Mr. Barnes possessed a clear and well-defined purpose. He wanted to partner with Edison and was willing to stake his entire future on this goal.
  2. Unwavering Faith: His desire was accompanied by unwavering faith in its realization. He knew he would become Edison’s business partner, and this belief was so strong that it influenced every aspect of his life.
  3. A Definite Plan: Mr. Barnes didn’t just hope for an opportunity; he created a definite plan to achieve his goal. He traveled to Orange, New Jersey, where Edison was headquartered, and took a job as a laborer. He knew this would be his gateway to Edison’s inner circle.
  4. Burning Desire: His desire was not just a passing interest but a burning obsession. He was willing to pay any price, endure any hardship, and make any sacrifice to achieve his goal.

“A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.”

– Ayn Rand

The Triumph:

Through a combination of his unwavering desire, persistence, and the opportunities he created, Mr. Barnes eventually became Thomas Edison’s business partner. He transformed his desire into reality, proving that when one’s desire is strong enough, the universe conspires to make it happen.His first business deal was to sell the dictating machines invented by Edison for the entire country where they are know as “Invented by Edison and Installed by Barnes”.


The story of Mr. Barnes, as documented in “Think and Grow Rich,” serves as a compelling example of the extraordinary power of desire. It showcases how an individual’s burning desire, coupled with faith, a clear plan, and unrelenting effort, can lead to remarkable achievements. In our own lives, we can draw inspiration from Mr. Barnes and recognize that desire, when transformed into a resolute purpose, can set the stage for extraordinary success. Whether pursuing a career, a personal goal, or a lifelong passion, let the story of Mr. Barnes remind us that desire, coupled with unwavering commitment, is the driving force that can turn dreams into reality.

🚀 #Desire #Success #PersonalGrowth

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